Zinc Stearate – Light

Chemical Formula: Zn(C18H35O2)2 Zinc Stearate is a white hydrophobic powder free from grittiness; fait odor; soluble in acids and in common solvents when hot, insoluble in water, alcohol and ether. Zinc Stearate derived from the action of sodium stearate on solution of zinc sulfate.

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Zinc Stearate is used for the production of Nitrocellulose sealants. It is a suspension agent in paints and has many applications such as: varnishes, lacquers, rubber and PVC resins. Adding this product to paints, varnishes and lacquers or sanding papers improves sanding properties. Additionally, it guaranties a good color dispersion in paints, It is a perfect lubricant for plastics, blocks gelation and color settlement and is also a resin catalizer. Because of its large surface this product is perfectly suitable for all applications with high requirements concerning release properties and/ or water repellency properties.


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