Sulfamic Acid

White-crystalline solid; non-volitile; non-hygroscopic.D .21, mp 205C (decomposes), soluble in water, slighly soluble in organic solvents, odorless, aqueous solutions are highly ionized giving pH values lower than solutions of formic, phosphoric, and oxalic acids; all the common salts,(including calcium, barium, and lead) are extremely soluble in water. Combustible.


Metal and ceramic cleaning, nitrite removal in azo-dye operations, gas-liberating compositions, organic synthesis, analytical acidimetric standard, amine sulfamates, used as platicizers and fire retardants, stabilizing agent for chloride and hypochlorite in swimming pools, bleaching paper pulp and textiles, catalyst for urea-form-aldehyderesins, sulfonating agent, pH control, hard-water scale removal, electroplating.


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