Calcium Stearate 99% mesh 325

Calcium Stearate is manufactured via the modified fusion process using high quality Stearic Acid. This product shows excellent properties when used as a Water reppellant, as lubricizing agent, Stabilizer, gelling agent. It is also non toxic, non sulfide staining and has excellent color stability. It is insoluble in water, ether, chloroform, acetone, cold alcohol. Slightly soluble in hot alcohol, in hot vegetable and mineral oils. Soluble in hot pyridine.


Calcium Stearate 325 can be used in plastics, rubber, cosmetics, paints, wiring, fertilizers, explosives, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, pencils and crayons. It is also useful in the manufacture of fuels as an additive to reduce exhaust pollution; as a thickner in the manufacture of grease; as a water proofing agent in buildings; as a conditioning agent in food processing; and as an additive in the production of insecticides.


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